

TRI INGREDIENTS TR is a specialized specialized supplier of high quality ingredients for deep grain processing.

Wheat gluten

Wheat gluten - dry wheat gluten - is a natural plant protein obtained from wheat, which is a water-insoluble protein complex. The raw material for production is wheat grain.

Wheat gluten is traditionally used in the production of flour and bakery products, and also has a wide range of applications in various sectors of the food industry, TRI enterprises, feed production for domestic and farm animals, poultry and fish, and many other purposes.

Lysine sulfate

Lysine is the limiting amino acid in fish, poultry feeds. It is found in insignificant quantities in plant feeds, so it is often deficient in fish, livestock and poultry rations.

Lysine promotes the intensive growth of young animals, intensive feed use, the formation of melanin pigment in bird feathers; affects the formation of red blood cells and calcium deposition in bones, participates in redox reactions, activates the overamination and deamination of amino acids, promotes the assimilation of phosphorus and calcium.


They are used in animal feed to help synthesize choline.

In the case of Methionine (Methionine) deficiency in poultry, it has been found that weight loss, developmental weakness and liver and kidney functions do not fully function in animals. Because of this, it is used as a nutritional supplement in poultry feed. It is used to increase the egg yield of chickens.

Wheat starch

Since it is a natural and pure nutritional product, there are many areas of use. We usually come across wheat starch in our homes and in the food sector. It is used in many types of desserts, various food products such as cakes, cream products and children's foods.

It exhibits a homogeneous structure and is very successful in maintaining the viscosity of the dough mixture and in terms of shaping properties.

Modified corn starch

Modified starch is an excellent thickener, stabilizer, carrier and filler, which makes it a versatile raw material with an almost unlimited range of applications.

Starch is called modified starch because it is obtained from native starch by chemical or physical processing, that is, by modifying it. Sauces (ketchup and mayonnaise, sour cream, etc.), Dairy products (ice cream and children's food), various confectionery products, concentrated soups, semi-finished meat products, baked goods and even widely used in the production of such products.

Chicken flour

Chicken flour, a high-quality protein and mineral product, is an important component in pet, aquaculture and poultry nutrition. It is a source of high protein, amino acids, phosphorus and easily digestible fat. Adding our pulp to the diet significantly reduces the cost of feed. Protein nutrition is an indicator of the ability of the feed to meet the requirements of the animal for both substitutes and essential amino acids. The main indicator of this nutritional quality is the raw protein content of the feed, which contains all nitrogen-containing compounds of organic and inorganic origin.

Strict quality control of raw materials is carried out. Each new batch of products is checked for quality and suitability before being sent to the customer.

We supply 3 different protein quality products to be Crude Protein 60-64 (Standard), Crude Protein 65-67 (Good), Crude Protein 68-70 (High) quality.

Pea protein (Pea Protein Concentrate)

Pea protein is a valuable food source that is widely used in the production of complex animal feeds. It is obtained from pea seeds, which have a high protein content.

Pea protein has a high biological value and contains all the amino acids necessary to support animal health and growth. It is an excellent source of energy and helps to improve the digestion of animals. It has been used for a long time as a protein feed in the fish, poultry, petfood sector. it contains 1.5-2.3% fat, including up to 25% crude protein, up to 8.5% fiber and 0.58% linoleic acid.

10-12% of this extremely valuable feed, rich in lysine and other amino acids, is added to the rations.

Poultry and fish farms can significantly reduce their costs by including pea protein in rations. The availability of amino acids in this product is over 90 percent, which makes it an excellent alternative to soybean meal.

Pea Starch

Bezelye nişastası, yemlerde tahıllar kadar iyi bir bitkisel protein, karbonhidrat ve lif kaynağıdır. Daha düşük glisemik indekse sahip olduğu için vücut tarafından daha iyi sindirilir.

Bezelye proteini metiyonin, sistin, triptofan ve diğer amino asitleri içerir.

Bu bileşen oldukça iyi bir lif ve bazı mineral kaynağı. Broyler yem verimliliği üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahiptir. Sindirilebilirliği yüksek ancak sindirim hızı düşük karbonhidratların bulunması, amino asit alımı ile senkronize enerji temini, daha iyi zooteknik performans elde edilmesine yardımcı olabilir.

Bezelye nişastasındaki amiloz miktarı buğday ve pirinç nişastasında bulunan amiloz miktarından daha yüksektir.

Potato flakes

Potato flakes are widely used in various fields of the food industry, have unique properties and allow the creation of delicious and healthy end-use products.

It is also often used in dining halls due to its ease of use. This product is a potato with a powdery appearance, which, when in contact with water, forms mashed potatoes without lumps or a sticky structure.

Potato flakes are a quick-cooking product. They are used in the preparation of a semi-finished product, which is used as a raw material or ingredient in the preparation of various side dishes, as well as flour, meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

Wheat fiber

Wheat fiber is used in many areas of food production as a functional product task, especially in the production of meat and meat products ( Sausage, Salami , Sausage, Doner and Meatballs ).

Due to its high water lifting capacity, it is used for calorie reduction in foods. It is used to reduce breakage in products such as crackers, wafers and ice cream cones. Wheat fibers are also widely used in bakery products and pastry products. The use of dietary fibers instead of flour and fat in cookies, biscuits and fried products ensures the formation of a tight structure.

Fiber, which is replaced with some flour in cakes and biscuits, ensures that the tight structure is maintained throughout storage. It is reported that the wheat fiber added to the cakes gives volume, improves the soft structure and extends the shelf life. It has been found that dietary fiber added to bread also delays the stale appearance of bread. The increase in the shelf life of products with reduced oil is due to the ability of high-fiber ingredients to retain the moisture of the product with their ability to bind water.


CryoPlankton will allow you to replace live feed cultures with natural marine plankton, use a ready-to-use live product with better nutritional quality. It simplifies the production process in hatcheries, reduces risk and increases biosecurity, while improving pup quality and reducing FCR in the breeding process.

How to use CryoPlankton

Using cryoplankton is extremely easy. It is enough to order the desired amount of nauplii from our company. We send the containers to your hatchery on time for the first feeding of your larvae.
The preparation of live bait is carried out in a few simple steps; you just need to collect frozen nauplii from the container and revive them in seawater. The nauplii will then resume normal swimming activities, ready to feed to the fish larvae.
The whole process takes about an hour every day. There is no need to enrich fish larvae for nauplii, live algae, algae paste or other feed materials before feeding.

Fish Meal

Fish meal is a high-quality source of protein. Fish meal protein contains large amounts of essential amino acids: methionine, lysine, threonine and tryptophan. Fish meal contains a large amount of fat, which is rich in essential fatty acids. Fish meal contains a large amount of minerals in a form suitable for animal consumption, such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, as well as vitamins such as choline, biotin, cyanocobalamin, vitamin A and vitamin D.


  • freshness of raw materials (low histamine levels)
  • there is no possibility of tagshish.

Fish oil

Fish oil belongs to animal fats, it contains fatty polyunsaturated acids, vitamins A, D, E, known as Omega-3 and Omega-6. It also contains trace elements - iodine, phosphorus, selenium, bromine, sulfur. The nutritious product is quickly absorbed by the animal body and easily digested. Supplementation allows to provide birds with most of the necessary nutrients, regulate the ratio of vitamins and successfully replace other complex feeds.


  • it is a source of energy;
  • increases the digestibility of nutrients;
  • increases the flavor of food;
  • it is a properly balanced source of Omega 3 and Omega 6;
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids such as EPA (EPA) and DHA (DHA), which are an important parameter in aquaculture.

Feather Flour

Feather flour is of great value for livestock farms. Deep feather processing using extrusion is the main technology for the production of hydrolyzed feather flour. During this process, short-term temperature effects occur, which are sufficient to kill harmful microorganisms. To achieve this, various processes are combined during extrusion, including mixing, sterilization, baking and forming. The hydrolyzed feather flour produced contains up to 85-88% crude protein and is therefore used as an excellent source of protein, phosphorus and amino acids for feed production.

Strict quality control of raw materials is carried out. Each new batch of products is checked for quality and suitability before being sent to the customer.

Blood Flour

Blood flour successfully complements milk and other sources of protein in the ration of fattening cattle, sheep, poultry and fish.

Blood flour contains protein in the proportion of 90-95% of dry matter (KM), and fat in the amount of less than 1% and ash in the amount of less than 5%. Unlike other sources of animal protein, blood flour has a suboptimal balance of amino acids. The lysine content of blood flour is as high as 7-10% CB, which makes it an excellent supplement for plant-based feeds that are low in lysine. Blood flour is rich in iron above 1500 mg/kg.


  • It helps the animal to gain weight quickly and efficiently.
  • Improves overall health.
  • Enriches the feed with amino acids and minerals.

Strict quality control of raw materials is carried out. Each new batch of products is checked for quality and suitability before being sent to the customer.